Discord Poker
We thought players and fans should have an interactive platform in which to engage with one another, as well as us here at PokerNews. That's why we've created a PokerNews Discord server and are inviting you to join our new community.

Discord specializes in text, image, video, and audio communication between users in a chat channel. It's a digital message board where you can share your thoughts with others who also love poker. The Pokernews Discord will give you a place to get caught up on whats going on in poker today and a place where you can share your thoughts with others.
Think of Discord as a house where different categories within the server are like a different room in the house. You can jump from one to the other to interact, gather information, or just have some fun.
We give you an area to share your bad beats, share your big wins, and talk about what is going on in poker today. We'll share links to live updates, highlight the biggest poker news, and offer special promotions.
My friendo and I have created an unofficial Discord server for this game. If you want to be part of the community, have a chat or share your hands with each other feel free to join in:D https://discord.gg/2FCzeb9. Play poker (Texas hold' em) against up to 19 other players in chat. The bot is very simple: ping it @Poker for info, start a game with holdem!. Upon creating a game, the bot sends a message people can react to in order to join the game. After a short period of time, the game starts and every participant is sent their cards via dm. Pip install discord.py. Next, head to the discord applications page and click on the New App button. Add whatever name, description and icon you want for your new app, and click on the Create App button. Scroll down, and click on the Create a Bot User button.
Discord Poker Bot
Join by following this link: bit.ly/PokerNewsDiscord